17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition FICOBA (Basque Country)

17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition
FICOBA (Basque Country)



Management and those responsible for purchasing, production, construction and R&D of companies, institutions and organisations that are active and see opportunities in relation to the deployment of products, services and solutions in sustainable mobility.

Passenger, freight and waste operators

Political and technical representatives of communities and municipalities in their capacity as managers of urban transport, public works, information systems and urban maintenance

Ancillary industry in search of new business opportunities

Energy suppliers (electricity, gas stations)

Public infrastructure builders

Civil construction companies, architecture

Infrastructure management companies aimed at end users (shopping centres, car park managers, property management companies…)

Taxi operators, car-sharing services and proximity transport and distribution companies

Car dealerships and vehicle repair companies

Engineering and ICTs

Services facilitating the creation of innovative start-ups

Universities and vocational training centres

Clusters related to the field of electric mobility, sustainable mobility and storage

Investment networks or venture capital

Public and private fleet managers


EIT Urban Mobility

La Dra. Maria Tsavachidis es la directora general de EIT Urban Mobility, una comunidad europea de conocimiento e innovación para acelerar la transición hacia la movilidad urbana sostenible y los espacios urbanos habitables. Antes de incorporarse al Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología en 2018, fue responsable de Innovación en Siemens durante más de 20 años, empresa en la que ocupó diferentes puestos. Comenzó su carrera como investigadora en el campo de los sistemas de transporte inteligentes y tiene un doctorado en ingeniería de tráfico por la Universidad Técnica de Múnich.