17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition FICOBA (Basque Country)

17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition
FICOBA (Basque Country)


The Go Mobility conference programme is opening up to Europe

  • The mobility of the future exhibition will be held in Ficoba, Irun, on 11th and 12th March

Go Mobility is not just an exhibition space. It is also a meeting point which, during 11-12 March, will bring together a large proportion of the European knowledge on new mobility.

The European Union has joined the programme that has been devised for this second edition of Go Mobility and will be represented by Saki Gerassis, Policy and Data Officer of DG MOVE, the highest regulatory body at European level for mobility and transport. Saki Gerassis is responsible for defining the future ecosystem for interoperability that will drive the adoption of electric vehicles in Europe and will discuss the Commission’s policies on sustainable and intelligent transport at Go Mobility.

The most commercial insight into the development of electromobility in Europe will be provided by Philippe Vangeel, General Secretary of AVERE, the European association that promotes electromobility, consisting of around 1,000 members from 17 European countries. Vangeel will share his views on the collective responsibility to achieve zero emission transport. In his opinion, the fastest way to achieve this goal is through the mass electrification of mobility.

Gabriel Plassat is a leading authority in France on matters relating to mobility. He is the creator of FabMob (la Fabrique des Mobilités) that works in the area of open source and mobility in order to create a new common culture. As a writer, lecturer and teacher, he aims to inspire major transformations in the field of mobility. At Go Mobility he will focus his attention on the sustainable mobility of the future in small and medium sized cities.

The European Union (EU) considers the energy storage sector to be a strategic sector and one of the driving forces that will help to meet energy and environmental objectives in the medium and long term while developing a competitive industry in an emerging sector with high growth potential.

This is why Go Mobility has organised a round table event entitled “Energy storage and batteries, opportunities for Europe in the field of electric mobility”, which will be moderated by Nuria Gisbert, director of CIC Energigune.

In addition to the conference programme that will take place during the exhibition, other spaces have also been set up to share knowledge about new mobility. In the “Exhibition Corner” exhibitors will have the opportunity to showcase their products and services.

At the “City market Place” Various European cities will publicise their mobility strategies. Go Mobility has also set aside an exhibition area to display European projects on sustainable mobility in poster format.

The thematic content of Go Mobility is very broad, with the aim of addressing the various situations that interact in the promotion and establishment of the new mobility. The complete programme is available on the website https://gomobility.eus

About Go Mobility

Go Mobility aims to become a reference point in Southern Europe for all those involved in the value chain of new mobility, defined as being sustainable, connected, safe and accessible, in both its industrial and digital aspects. It also seeks to become a meeting point to encourage high value-added exchanges, promote innovative projects and foster the industrial transformation of the region.

Go Mobility is sponsored by the Gipuzkoa Regional Council and the Basque Government and is part of the Strategy for Electric Mobility and Energy Storage being driven by both institutions.


EIT Urban Mobility

La Dra. Maria Tsavachidis es la directora general de EIT Urban Mobility, una comunidad europea de conocimiento e innovación para acelerar la transición hacia la movilidad urbana sostenible y los espacios urbanos habitables. Antes de incorporarse al Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología en 2018, fue responsable de Innovación en Siemens durante más de 20 años, empresa en la que ocupó diferentes puestos. Comenzó su carrera como investigadora en el campo de los sistemas de transporte inteligentes y tiene un doctorado en ingeniería de tráfico por la Universidad Técnica de Múnich.