17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition FICOBA (Basque Country)

17 & 18 April 2024 4th edition
FICOBA (Basque Country)


The third edition of Go Mobility by MUBIL will take place on 2 and 3 March 2022 at Ficoba

The exhibition, already established as a landmark event in Southern Europe, will bring together all the players in the New Mobility value chain

The Go Mobility by MUBIL exhibition will hold its third edition under the banner “the present and the future of sustainable mobility” on 2 and 3 March 2022, at the Ficoba Exhibition Centre in Irun. This industrial exhibition, promoted by MUBIL Fundazioa and organised by them in conjunction with Ficoba, is supported by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government, and brings together all the players in the new mobility value chain, who will be showcasing the most advanced technological solutions on the market at this event. The chairman of MUBIL Fundazioa, Jabier Larrañaga, underlined the importance of the event, which “makes a decisive contribution to placing the region on the map of new mobility, given that it has become a major event in Southern Europe. Its contribution is undeniable when it comes to the deployment of the new mobility agenda promoted by MUBIL for the Basque Country and Gipuzkoa.”

Since the first edition held in 2018, the mobility sector has undergone a major transformation, which, in the Basque Country and Gipuzkoa, has been embodied in initiatives such as MUBIL(www.mubil.eus),the New Mobility Centre and epicentre of the New Mobility Hub, created within the framework of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz initiative. This transformation of the sector has been reflected in the name of the fair itself, which from now on will be called Go Mobility by MUBIL. The aim is to raise the profile of this event as the trade fair showcase for the mobility strategy promoted by MUBIL, and for the entire ecosystem of this sector, in which Gipuzkoa and the Basque Country have an experienced and innovative industrial fabric distributed along the entire value chain.

The exhibition is thus expected to establish itself as a meeting point for leading companies, technology centres recognised at a European level, dynamic and specialised clusters, universities that bring together talent, vocational training centres, entrepreneurs and start-ups, as well as pioneering public agents in the definition and deployment of innovative mobility solutions. The transformation of mobility has also resulted in a new concept that no longer focuses exclusively on sustainability, but visualises mobility as an activity defined by four key characteristics: clean, connected, safe and accessible.

Based on these four premises, the third edition of Go Mobility by MUBIL will showcase the latest developments in the market from a dual industrial and digital perspective, and will do so with the aim of continuing to be a landmark event in Southern Europe for all those involved in the present and future sustainable mobility ecosystem. The event has also become a meeting point for stimulating exchanges of high added value, boosting innovative projects and promoting the industrial transformation of the region.


EIT Urban Mobility

La Dra. Maria Tsavachidis es la directora general de EIT Urban Mobility, una comunidad europea de conocimiento e innovación para acelerar la transición hacia la movilidad urbana sostenible y los espacios urbanos habitables. Antes de incorporarse al Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología en 2018, fue responsable de Innovación en Siemens durante más de 20 años, empresa en la que ocupó diferentes puestos. Comenzó su carrera como investigadora en el campo de los sistemas de transporte inteligentes y tiene un doctorado en ingeniería de tráfico por la Universidad Técnica de Múnich.